Miss Milly


Young Miss Milly was sweet and fair,

With snow white tits and curly hair,

Oh, unhappy maiden.

Her heart was happy, her step was light,

But she was a fool and one dark night


She got herself put in a pregnant plight

By a lecherous, lewd and

lustful cruel deceiver.


She went to this home but as she'd feared

The filthy old bastard had disappeared,

Oh, unhappy maiden.

Her mother declared: "Get out, you whore. 

So never again dare to darken my door,

With your lecherous, lewd and

lustful cruel deceiver."


All night she wandered through the snow

How she suffered who can know,

Oh, unhappy maiden.

And when the morning cockerel cried,

Poor abandoned Milly had died

Frozen stiff as she lay outside. 

Oh, the lecherous, lewd and

lustful cruel deceiver.


Hark all you young maidens,

the moral is clear

If you trust these foul bastards,

you'll shed many a tear

Like this oh, so unhappy maiden. 

So bear this in mind: the semen may spill

And you'll find yourself getting more than your fill.

Precautions are best;

take a birth control pill

With your lecherous, lewd and

lustful cruel deceiver.